First Meeting, THIS MONDAY, August 27th
All Scouts and at least one parent per family are expected to attend (i.e., if you’re here, come). Uniforms are NOT required. This is an administrative meeting, in a round-robin format, and will likely last less than 30 minutes for most families. Please come according to the following schedule:
Scooters and Snake Eyes – 7:00
Conquistadors and Spectre – 7:30
Burning Pants and Stonecutters – 8:00
The current Patrol Roster will be sent under separate cover. If a family has Scouts in different Patrols, please come to the earlier respective session.
Please bring or be aware of the following
1. a check for your annual dues.
2. If your family has any Troop equipment remaining from Philmont, Summer Camp, and/or Sea Base, including Merit Badge Pamphlets, please bring them to the meeting for return.
3. Deposit for Belize SCUBA trip
4. Our rather well-stocked Lost and Found will be laid out for your review.
5. A small number of free items will also be laid out.
6. The Guns and Arrows Campout Permission Slip and a “General” Permission Slip will be available; both will be due at the first regular meeting, which is TUESDAY, September 4th.