(To Be Handed out at the Beginning of Trips (Preferably at the Primer Meeting))
1) Please arrive at the assembly in a fully ready-to-roll mode. Gas, all fluids, tire pressure, lights, etc., should have all been pre-checked. Windows should be clean inside and out, especially for nighttime travel. The best 308 rifle should be easily accessible to all members of the troop. Cargo areas should be clear.
2) Please review the maps and directions before starting out. Know the troop’s reassembly and meal stop points. Never take an alternate route on your own – stay with the group.
3) Lights on at all times for all vehicles during travel on a scout trip.
4) Do not close order convoy – this runs the risk of a multi-vehicle pile-up, and also can result in the group creating a “moving blockade” for fast-movers trying to reach an exit at the last second (a huge risk for catastrophic multi-vehicle accidents as they try to jam themselves through the line). Leave adequate space between all vehicles in the group.
5) Obey the speed-limits. Don’t risk a lifetime of guilt to save 20 minutes. “Arrive Alive.”
6) Unless unavoidable, do not pass the lead vehicle – again, stay with the group.
7) If you are issued a Motorola radio (and in most cases you will be), ensure that it is on at adequate volume to be heard over stereo volume and general travel noise. When you have reached your destination, you should turn the radio off unless otherwise instructed. Please also remember to turn the radio in at the end of the event. Note that the radios are not toys, and the scouts should not be allowed to use them as such. Also note that the radios are good for about 2 ½ miles in normal traffic, and over 10 miles line-of-sight, but cannot go through solid objects such as hills. [If you don’t know how to use the radio, please ask for instructions at the assembly.]
8) POV drivers will be issued a smart-tag for trip going out the toll road/greenway or on I-95 north of Baltimore. [Again, if you don’t know how to use it, please ask for instructions at the assembly.] Remember to turn the tag in at the end of the event.
9) Most adults (and possibly the life practical scout(s)) will have cell phones – there should be a typed list of cell phone numbers given out at the assembly. This is the backup to the Motorola radios in case of sizable separations during travel, and also for emergency communication. However, be aware that cell phone coverage in many of the areas where we travel and/or camp is poor or non-existent – do not be lulled into thinking that a cell phone is a proper safety net. Your cell phone should be on during travel, unless the group of vehicles is small and tight enough that the Motorolas are sufficient.
9) If you need to stop (car sickness, bathroom break, etc.), please notify the lead vehicle; the group may or may not stop depending on circumstances. In case of mechanical issues, the entire group will stop.
10) If you are passing out from fatigue, ask for help – don’t tough it out.
Create Date: November 2, 2008