Senior Patrol Weekend Campout Planning Guide

Date this Form was filled out: __________________

Name of Campout: _____________________________________________________________

Status of Non-Patrol Senior Scouts – List all the non-Patrol Senior Scouts in the Troop below (including yourself), in alphabetical order, then check off their status for this campout.

Name                                                                         Attending        NOT Attending     Undecided
1) _____________________________  ________   ____________    ________
2) _____________________________  ________  ____________    ________
3) _____________________________  ________  ____________    ________
4) _____________________________  ________  ____________    ________
5) _____________________________  ________  ____________    ________
6) _____________________________  ________  ____________   ________
7) _____________________________  ________  ____________   ________
8.) _____________________________  ________  ____________   ________

Senior Patrol Leaders for this Campout – Note! – Must be listed above as Definitely Attending the Campout!

SPL/Acting SPL: ______________________________________________________________

ASPL/Acting ASPL: ______________________________________________________________

Status of Adult Leaders – List all the Adult Leaders in the Troop below, in alphabetical order, then check off their status for this campout.

Name                                                                              Attending    NOT Attending Undecided
1) _______________________________  ________  __________  ________
2) _______________________________  ________  __________  ________
3) _______________________________  ________  __________  ________
4) _______________________________  ________  __________  ________
5) _______________________________  ________  __________  ________
6) _______________________________  ________  __________  ________
7) _______________________________  ________  __________  ________
8.) _______________________________  ________  __________  ________
9) _______________________________  ________  __________  ________
10) ______________________________  ________  __________  ________
11) ______________________________  ________  __________   ________
12) ______________________________  ________  __________  ________

Fathers – List all other Adults (i.e., Fathers) attending the campout below.

1) __________________________    5) ______________________________

2) __________________________  6) ______________________________

3) __________________________  7) ______________________________

4) __________________________  8.) ______________________________

Do a preliminary survey of the Patrols to determine how many of their Scouts are definitely attending and whether or not they are short of experienced Scouts (i.e., no “Senior Scouts” attending the campout).

Number of Scouts Short of Experienced Patrol ASM’s

Definitely Attending “Senior Scouts?” Attending? How Many?

Patrol #1 ____________________ ______ Yes No Yes No __________

Patrol #2 ____________________ ______ Yes No Yes No __________

Patrol #3 ____________________ ______ Yes No Yes No __________

RE-LIST all attending non-Patrol Senior Scouts, Adult Leaders and Fathers on the Assignments List (next page.) Assign all non-Patrol Senior Scouts (including yourself and the ASPL) to the Patrols, with those Patrols short of Experienced Scouts receiving preference. If any Fathers are attending, assign them to the Patrol that their son is in (their younger son if they have two). Next, assign the Adult Leaders, with Dedicated ASM’s staying in their Patrols (if possible). Try to ensure that each Patrol has an even number of experienced Scouts and Adults. Finally, for all Adults, indicate those who are driving and the number of seats in their vehicles.

Name Assigned to: Driving? Number of Seats?

1) ___________________________________ _________ Yes No _______

2) ___________________________________ _________ Yes No _______

3) _____________________________________________Yes No _______

4) ________________________________ _____________ Yes No _______

5) ________________________________ _____________ Yes No _______

6) _____________________________________________ Yes No _______

7) ________________________________ _____________ Yes No _______

8.) _____________________________________________ Yes No _______

9) ________________________________ _____________ Yes No _______

10) _______________________________ _____________ Yes No _______

11) _______________________________ _____________ Yes No _______

12) _______________________________ _____________ Yes No _______

When you’re finished, inform the Patrol Leaders of your decisions, giving them the names of everyone you’ve assigned to their Patrol.

Transportation Analysis

What is the current TOTAL number of people attending this campout?: __________

How many Adults are Driving?: __________

How many total seats do we have?: __________ (Circle One): Excessive Adequate Deficient


Senior Patrol Leader Scoutmaster
Patrol #1 ______ ______
Patrol #2 ______ ______
Patrol #3 ______ ______

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