Jim passed his Eagle Board of Review on February 6, 2007, becoming Troop 111’s 107th Eagle Scout. His Honor Roll:
BSA Participation
Pack 111 Cub Scout and Webelos Scout, earned the Arrow of Light
Troop 111 Boy Scout Entry Class of 2000
Eagle Project:
Jim greatly expanded the “new” (backside) main entrance to St. Agnes School, laying a complex concrete pad, outlining with brick walls, and re-landscaping the adjacent garden areas. The new entrance is much safer for students to exit in any emergency situation, and also provides a much larger “safe area” for students to wait on during car-pool pickups each afternoon. [The work complements Matt Cassidy’s Eagle Project, and between the two projects the new entrance has been completely renovated.] Approximately 376 Man-Hours of work.
Thanks to the Board of Review members John Kelly, Ruth Netting, Max Padon, Brian Preloh, and Mark Stanga.
22 Merit Badges
55 Days Short-Term Camping
28 Days Long-Term Camping, including:
Summer Camp 2002, Camp Tuckahoe, PA
Summer Camp 2003, Camp Olmsted (Goshen), VA
Summer Camp 2004, Camp Tuckahoe, PA
Summer Camp 2006, Camp Tuckahoe, PA
BSA Awards:
Totin Chip, Junior Level JLT Certificate, Senior Level JLT Certificate, Polar Bear Swimmer, Polar Bear Camper, 50 Hour and 100 Hour Community
Service Awards, 2 Baltimore Orienteering Meet Top 25 Places, and Patrol Leader of the 4th Place Patrol at the 2005 Projectoree.
BSA Leadership Positions:
Assistant Patrol Leader, Den Chief, Patrol Leader, Troop Guide, District JLT Staffer, Senior Patrol Leader