Alonzo Stagg Hall of Fame

Name (Rank/Position – Troop No., # of ASHs Completed)

The 500 Mile Club

Tom Elliot (MC-149)
Dave Green (ASM-638)
David Goldfrank (MC-C2473)
Dr. Bob Klein (ASM-111; former SM-111)
Chris Wolff (Graduated Eagle-111)
Rick Wolff (ASM-111)



Samuel Boyce (Tenderfoot-111, 1st)
Owen Braniff (Eagle-128, 3rd)
Herschel Darvalics (Star-111, 1st)
Keith Darvalics (Adult-111, 1st)
Kiran Donnelly (Eagle-128, 2nd)
Enkule Federer (First Class-111, 1st)
Nina Garces (Eagle-104, 2nd)
Dave Green (CBD, former ASM-638, 20th)
Alden Humphrey (Star-104, 2nd)
Silas Jones (First Class-104, 1st)
William Kennedy (Second Class-111, 1st)
Dennis Kihm (ASM-149, 2nd)
Bob Klein (ASM-111, 14th)
Charles Kunze (First Class-111, 1st)
James Leiphart (ASM-167, 3rd)
Thaddeus Leiphart (Eagle-167, 2nd)
Aaron Liebert (Adult-104, 1st)
Alexis Liebert (Life-104, 3rd)
Jenny Lyuke (Tenderfoot-104, 2nd)
John MacLaury (CC-647, 2nd)
Gavin Malatesta (Star-149, 1st)
Everett Markle (First Class-167, 1st)
Alan McCartney (Life-111, 2nd)
Jacob Myers (Life-104, 1st)
Beckett O’Neal (Life-104, 2nd)
Kai Pearson (Star-149, 1st)
Sean Ruff (SM-111, 1st)
Seth Sanders (First Class-149, 3rd)
Bobby Smith (Star-111, 2nd)
Caitlin Sonnenfeld (Eagle-104, 1st)
Dylan Thomas (Life-128, 2nd)
Marci Thomas (ASM-128, 2nd)
Natalia Vilela (Eagle-167, 1st)
Rick Wolff (ASM-111, 20th)
Korben Worster (First Class-164, 1st)



Zachary Balleisen (Life-128, 1st)
Owen Braniff (Life-128, 2nd)
Max Brooke (Life-128, 1st)
Hayden Burnside (Eagle-111, 1st)
Houston Burnside (Eagle-111, 1st)
Jeff Burnside (ASM-111, 3rd)
Abigail Caputo (111, 1st)
Owen Caputo (Life-111, 2nd)
Tyler Chamberlain (Life-164, 1st)
Byron Denney (ASM-128, 1st)
Owen Donohoe (Life-111, 1st)
Nina Garces (Life-104, 1st)
Dave Green (CBD, former ASM-638, 19th)
Chris Hopfensperger (SM-111, 1st)
James-Alden Humphrey (2nd Class-104, 1st)
Carlos Janada (Star-128, 1st)
Dennis Kihm (ASM-149, 1st)
Bob Klein (ASM-111, 13th)
Alexis Liebert (Star-104, 2nd)
Kendra Liebert (Unit Scouter Reserve-104, 1st)
Marci Love-Thomas (ASM-128, 1st)
Jenny Lyuke (Scout-104, 1st)
Alan McCartney (Star-111, 1st)
Connor Mongoven (Life-149, 2nd)
Max Moore (Life-104, 1st)
Leo Morrison (Life-149, 2nd)
Ian Murray (Eagle-111, 1st)
Beckett O’Neal (Star-104, 1st)
Avery Park (Life-104, 2nd)
Morgan Rathjen (Star-164, 1st)
Seth Sanders (1st Class-149, 2nd)
Bobby Smith (2nd Class-111/624, 1st)
Jeff Smith (ASM-111/624, 1st)
Logan Sonnenfeld (Life-104, 1st)
Rick Sonnenfeld (ASM-104, 1st)
Nick Tarquine (1st Class-104, 1st)
Dylan Thomas (1st Class-128, 1st)
Janak Vasisht (Life-104, 1st)
Rick Wolff (ASM-111, 19th)
Stockton Wright (Star-149, 2nd)



Owen Braniff (Life-128, 1st)
Owen Caputo (Star-111, 1st)
Connor Detrick (Life-2535, 1st)
Kiran Donnelly (Life-128, 1st)
Dave Green (ASM-638, 18th)
Jimmy Hart (Life-167, 1st)
Keitrell Harvey (Scout-167, 1st)
James Leiphart (ASM-167, 2nd)
Thaddeus Leiphart (Life-167, 1st)
Alexis Liebert (First Class-104, 1st)
James London (Star-104, 1st)
Jennifer London (Adult-104, 1st)
Joey Madigan (Life-104, 1st)
Matt Madigan (Adult 104, 1st)
Tony Madigan (Star-104, 1st)
Ryan Malatesta (Life-149, 1st)
Connor Mongoven (Star-149, 1st)
Leo Morrison (Star-149, 1st)
Patrick Omberg (Life-149, 1st)
Peter Omberg (Adult-149, 1st)
Avery Park (Life-104, 1st)
Thomas Rodman (First Class-149, 1st)
Seth Sanders (Second Class-149, 1st)
Adriana Sparks (Life-104, 1st)
Fanny Sparks (Adult-104, 1st)
Joseph Sparks (Life-104, 1st)
Jackson Stevens (First Class-2535, 1st)
Rick Wolff (MC-111, 18th)
Stockton Wright (First Class-149, 1st)


The 2021 Alonzo Stagg Hike was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


The 2020 Alonzo Stagg Hike was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.



Jackson Burnside (Eagle-111, 3rd)
Kevin Chumpitaz (Life-167, 2nd)
Pierce Conroy (1st Class-111, 1st)
Sally Conroy (Guest-111, 1st)
Sean Conroy (MC-111, 1st)
Allen Dai (Star-128, 1st)
Chuan Dai (ASM-128, 1st)
Tom Elliot (MC-149, 10th)
Dave Green (ASM-638, 17th)
Quin Hazzard (Life-111, 2nd)
Tom Hazzard (MC-111, 2nd)
Gary Herbert (ASM-128, 2nd)
Joseph Herbert (Eagle-128, 1st)
Jarrett Jardine (Scout Rank-821, 1st)
Jeff Jardine (IH-821, 1st)
Brian Kellenberger (MC-149, 3rd)
Bob Klein (ASM-111, 12th)
James Leiphart (ASM-167, 1st)
Campbell Lloyd (Star-821, 1st)
John MacLaury (CC-647, 1st)
Justin Murri (Star-821, 2nd)
Rick Wolff (MC-111, 17th)
Sarah Wolff (MC-111, 8th)



John Bruce (Life-167, 1st)
Jackson Burnside (Eagle-111, 2nd)
Jeff Burnside (MC-111, 2nd)
Kevin Chumpitaz (Life-167, 1st)
Treye Denton (MC-111, 2nd)
Tom Elliot (MC-149, 9th)
John Foley (MC-C2473, 2nd)
David Goldfrank (MC-C2473, 11th)
Franklin Gomez (ASM-167, 2nd)
Sergio Gomez (ASM-167, 1st)
Dave Green (ASM-638, 16th)
Quin Hazzard (Life-111, 1st)
Tom Hazzard (MC-111, 1st)
Gary Herbert (ASM-128, 1st)
Kyle Herbert (Eagle-128, 1st)
Brian Kellenberger (MC-149, 2nd)
Bob Klein (ASM-111, 11th)
Kevin Knopf (ASM-104, 1st)
Tina Kuklenski-Miller (MC-149, 2nd)
Scott Miller (ASM-149, 1st)
Justin Murri (Star-821, 1st)
Marc Murri (MC-821, 1st)
Liam O’Casey (Life-149, 1st)
Timothy Tatum (ASM-104, 1st)
Nicolas Turner (Life-104, 1st)
Tyrone Turner (USR-104, 1st)
Bill Swarm (ASM-128, 2nd)
Rick Wolff (MC-111, 16th)
Sarah Wolff (MC-111, 7th)



John Brennan (SM-111, 6th)
Jackson Burnside (Life-111, 1st)
Jeff Burnside (MC-111, 1st)
Ben Ellis (Life-821, 1st)
Tom Elliot (MC-149, 8th)
Robby Gessel (Life-149, 2nd)
David Goldfrank (MC-C2473, 10th)
Scott Gottfredson (First Class-821, 2nd)
Dave Green (ASM-638, 15th)
Brian Kellenberger (MC-149, 1st)
Tina Kuklienski-Miller (MC-149, 1st)
Joe Murray (Star-111, 2nd)
Alex Reyes (Life-111, 1st)
Bill Swarm (ASM-128, 1st)
Nolen Wine (Eagle-111, 1st)
Chris Wolff (MC-111, 12th)
Rick Wolff (MC-111, 15th)



Treye Denton (MC-111, 1st Alonzo Stagg Hike Completed)
Tim Edinger (Star-149, 1st)
Tom Elliot (MC-149, 7th)
Gabe Gaudet (Life-111, 1st)
David Gerard (Start-149, 1st)
David Goldfrank (MC-C2473, 9th)
Scott Gottfredson (Second Class-821, 1st)
Dave Green (ASM-638, 14th)
Art Lowry (ASM-149, 1st)
Mike Mercer (Advisor-C976, 5th)
Sean O’Brien (Star-149, 1st)
Andrew Schlicht (Eagle-149, 3rd)
Chris Vargas (ASM-149, 4th)
Theo Vargas (Life-149, 2nd)
Kaemon Watada (Star-149, 1st)
Sarah Wolff (MC-111, 6th)



Randy Bender (ASM-624, 4th Alonzo Stagg Hike Completed)
John Brennan (SM-111, 5th)
Tom Elliot (MC-149, 6th)
Ben Gessel (Life-149, 1st)
Robby Gessel (Star-149, 1st)
Morgan Gillis (Eagle-128, 4th)
David Goldfrank (MC-C2473, 8th)
Dave Green (ASM-638, 13th)
Bob Klein (ASM-111, 10th)
Evan London (Star-167, 1st)
Jennifer London (MC-167, 1st)
Christian Markwart (Life-128, 1st)
Shane McGrath (Star-111, 1st)
Julianne Meany (VC/Administration-C2473, 1st)
Mike Mercer (Advisor-C976, 4th)
Joe Murray (Star-111, 1st)
Charlie Nelson (Star-111, 1st)
Alex Pierce (Life-821, 1st)
Ben Pierce (ASM-821, 1st)
Andrew Schlicht (Eagle-149, 2nd)
Liz Tefera (MC-167, 1st)
Garrett Underwood (Assistant Advisor-C976, 1st)
Sam Underwood (Venture Scout-C976, 1st)
Chris Vargas (ASM-149, 3rd)
Theo Vargas (Life-149, 1st)
Brenda Winter (MC-167, 1st)
Rick Wolff (ASM-111, 14th)
Sarah Wolff (MC-111, 5th)



Caelin Campbell (Star-821, 2nd Alonzo Stagg Hike Completed)
George Christenson (Eagle-821, 1st)
Tom Curtin (SM-167, 2nd)
Tom Elliot (MC-149, 5th)
Morgan Gillis (Eagle-128, 3rd)
Franklin Gomez (First Class-167, 1st)
Dave Green (ASM-638, 12th)
Brian Henry (Life-2535, 2nd)
Hannah Hurlburt (MC-111, 2nd)
Bob Klein (ASM-111, 9th)
Meg Kocher (MC-167, 2nd)
Mike Mercer (Advisor-C976, 3rd)
Sam Mercer (Eagle-976, 1st)
Tom Ogden (MC-821, 2nd)
Steven Perez (First Class-167, 1st)
Andrew Schlicht (Life-149, 1st)
Taylor Steele (Life-2535, 1st)
Chris Vargas (ASM-149, 2nd)
Chris Wolff (MC-111, 11th)
Rick Wolff (ASM-111, 13th)
Sarah Wolff (MC-111, 4th)



Mike Alexander (MC-869, 2nd ASH Completed)
Randy Bender (ASM-624, 3rd)
Caelin Campbell (1st Class-821, 1st)
Tom Curtin (SM-167, 1st)
Tom Elliot (MC-149, 4th)
Morgan Gillis (Eagle-128, 2nd)
David Goldfrank (MC-652, 7th)
Max Goldfrank (Graduate-652, 7th)
Dave Green (ASM-638 , 11th)
Brian Henry (Life-2535, 1st)
Bob Klein (ASM-111, 8th)
Meg Kocher (MC-167, 1st)
Ross Kocher (Life-167, 2nd)
Evan McLean (Life-167, 1st)
Mike Mercer (Advisor-C976, 2nd)
Tom Mercer (Life-C976, 1st)
Thomas Muir (Eagle-167, 4th)
Tom Ogden (CC-821, 1st)
Patrick Oldum (Life-167, 2nd)
Travis Tanner (CC-P821, 1st)
Ramil Winker (Graduated Eagle-2535, 1st)
Chris Vargas (ASM-149, 1st)
Rick Wolff (ASM-111, 12th)



Mike Alexander (ASM-869, 1st ASH Completed)
Randy Bevan (MC-979, 1st)
Randy Bender (ASM-624, 2nd)
John Brennan (SM-111, 4th)
Spencer Cobb (Life-167, 1st)
Tom Dannaher (MC-111, 2nd)
Tom Elliot (MC-149, 3rd)
David Goldfrank (MC-652, 6th)
Max Goldfrank (ASM-652, 6th)
Dave Green (ASM-638, 10th)
Ross Kocher (Life-167, 1st)
Mike Kirkpatrick (MC-149, 1st)
Max Leonard (Star-2535, 1st)
Mike Mercer (SM-976, 1st)
Tom Muir (Life-167, 3rd)
Patrick Odlum (Star-167, 1st)
Charlie Phillips (Life-167, 1st)
John Ponder-White (Life-167, 1st)
Pat Potter (MC-979, 1st)
Virginia Prentice (MC-624, 1st)
Nick Robinson (Eagle-979, 1st)
Rick Wolff (ASM-111, 11th)



Joe Bender (Life-624, 2nd ASH Hike Completed)
Randy Bender (ASM-624, 1st)
Tom Elliot (MC-149, 2nd)
Morgan Gillis (Life-128, 1st)
David Goldfrank (MC-652, 5th)
Max Goldfrank (Venture Scout-652, 5th)
Nick Goryachev (Star-167, 1st)
Dave Green (ASM-638, 9th)
Bob Klein (ASM-111, 7th)
Abe Konick (Life-2535, 1st)
Tom Muir (Life-167, 2nd)
George Newbury (ASM-111, 1st)
August Thomas (Life-167, 1st)
Chris Wolff (graduated Eagle-111, 10th)
Rick Wolff (ASM-111, 10th)



Brendan Dannaher (Star-111, 1st 50/20 Hike Completed)
David Goldfrank (MC-652, 4th)
Max Goldfrank (1st Class-652, 4th)
Dave Green (ASM-638, 8th)
Hanna Hurlburt (Guest-111, 1st)
Tom Muir (Life-167, 1st)
Ed Whelan (MC-111, 1st)
Jack Whelan (1st Class-111, 1st)
Chris Wolff (graduated Eagle-111, 9th)
Rick Wolff (ASM-111, 9th)



The 2009 invitational Alonzo Stagg Hike was cancelled. However, on March 14th, 2009, a number of local Troops did replacement hikes ranging from 10-Milers up to a formal 50/20 event. The following individuals completed all 50 miles:

Julie Bowman (Guest-141, 1st 50/20 Hike Completed)
David Goldfrank (MC-652, 3rd)
Max Goldfrank (1st Class-652, 3rd)
Sam Higginbotham (Eagle-638, 1st)
Paul Johnson (Life-141, 1st)
Rene Johnson (CC-141, 2nd)
Kelly Wise (SM-827, 1st)



Joseph Bender (1st Class-624, 1st 50/20 Hike Completed)
John Brennan (MC-111, 3rd)
Brian DeLoach (Star-111, 2nd)
Tom Elliot (MC-149, 1st)
John Foley (MC-111, 1st)
Peter Foley (1st Class-111, 1st)
Jake Gaudet (Life-111, 1st)
Ted Gerarden (ASM-111, 4th)
David Goldfrank (MC-652, 2nd)
Max Goldfrank (1st Class-652, 2nd)
Dave Green (ASM-638, 7th)
Mark Johnson (Eagle-141, 1st)
Rene Johnson (CC-141, 1st)
Nick Kelleher (Star-111, 1st)
Bob Klein (SM-111, 6th)
William Levendis (Graduated Eagle-111, 3rd)
Michael Long (Life-638, 1st)
Ed Menoche (ASM-106, 2nd)
Brad McGann (Life-167, 1st)
Chris Wolff (Graduated Eagle-111, 8th)
Rick Wolff (ASM-111, 8th)
Sarah Wolff (Guest-111, 3rd)
Roland Wood (Life-141, 1st)



Mark Barker (ASM-167, 2nd)
John Brennan (MC-111, 2nd)
Tom Capretta (Graduated Eagle-111, 1st)
Stephan Cauffman (MC-638, 1st)
Patrick Dannaher (Life-111, 1st)
Tom Dannaher (MC-111, 1st)
Brian DeLoach (Star-111, 1st)
Russ Evans (Graduated Eagle-647, 3rd)
Ted Gerarden (ASM-111, 3rd)
David Goldfrank (MC-652, 1st)
Max Goldfrank (First Class-652, 1st)
Dave Green (ASM-638, 6th)
Tuck Kelleher (ASM-116, Wright Brothers District,
Miami Valley Council, Dayton, OH, 1st)
Phil Kiko (SM-624, 3rd)
Dr. Bob Klein (SM-111, 5th)
Teresa Lent (MC-111, 1st)
Anthony Maurice (Life-111, 5th)
Mark Maurice (MC-111, 5th)
Ed Menoche (ASM-106, 1st)
Brian Monks (ASM-1916, 1st)
Henry Phillips (Star-167, 1st)
Marco Pineyro (ASM-111, 1st)
Alex Rocca (111 Guest, 2nd)
Nathan Waddell (First Class-638, 1st)
Harry Wimbrough (ASM-624, 1st)
Sarah Wolff (111 Guest, 2nd)
Rick Wolff (ASM-111, 7th)
Mark Wray (ASM-167, 3rd)



Mark Barker (ASM-167, 1st)
Leo Brett (Life-1130, 1st)
Ted Edwards (ASM-638, 1st)
Russ Evans (Graduated Eagle-647, 2nd)
Phillip Garretson (Life-111, 1st)
Ted Gerarden (ASM-111, 2nd)
Dave Green (ASM-638, 5th)
Phil Kiko (SM-624, 2nd)
Dr. Bob Klein (SM-111, 4th)
William Levendis (Graduated Eagle-111, 2nd)
Lourdes Maurice (MC-111, 3rd)
Mark Maurice (MC-111, 4th)
Al Mazloom (ASM-111, 2nd)
Alex Rocca (Guest of Troop 111, 1st)
Jonathan Sarver (Life-638, 2nd)
Ryan Shanahan (ASM-111, 1st)
Steve Strasburg (ASM-111 1st)
Chris Wolff (ASM-111, 7th)
Rick Wolff (ASM-111, 6th)
Sarah Wolff (Guest of Troop 111, 1st)
Mark Wray (ASM-167, 2nd)
Victor Zhu (Life-167, 1st)



Zack Allison (1st Class-111, 1st time)
Tony Fuchs (Eagle-624, 1st)
Ted Gerarden (ASM-111, 1st)
Dave Green (ASM-638, 4th)
Brian Hickey (Eagle-624, 1st)
Carl-John Kamp (Graduated Eagle-638, 1st)
Dr. Bob Klein (SM-111, 3rd)
Sean Long (Life-638, 2nd)
Anthony Maurice (Star-111, 4th)
Jonathan Sarver (Life-638, 1st)
Chris Wolff (Graduated Eagle-111, 6th)
Rick Wolff (ASM-111, 5th)



Matt Cassidy (Star-111, 2nd Time)
Dave Green (ASM-638, 3rd)
Peter Ketchum-Colwill (Life-638, 2nd)
Phil Kiko (SM-624, 1st)
Dr. Bob Klein (SM-111, 2nd)
Sean Long (Life-638, 1st)
Anthony Maurice (1st Class-111, 3rd)
Mark Maurice (MC-111, 3rd)
Frank Rooney (UC-111, 3rd)
Charlie Schulz (Life-111, 1st)
Chris Wolff (Graduated Eagle-111, 5th)
Rick Wolff (ASM-111, 4th)
Mark Wray (ASM-167, 1st)



Matthew Cassidy (1st Class-111, 1st time)
Ray DiNunzio (1st Class-111, 1st)
Dave Green (ASM-638, 2nd)
Peter Ketcham-Colwill (Life-638, 1st)
Anthony Maurice (2nd Class-111, 2nd)
Lourdes Maurice (MC-111, 2nd)
Mark Maurice (MC-111, 2nd)
Hugh Schratwieser (ASM-111, 2nd)
Neil Stanga (Life-111, 3rd)
Chris Wolff (Graduated Eagle-111, 4th)
Rick Wolff (ASM-111, 3rd)



John Brennan (MC-111, 1st time)
Russ Evans (Graduated Eagle-647, 1st)
Matt Gough (Life-111, 1st)
Dave Green (ASM-638, 1st)
Dr. Bob Klein (SM-111, 1st)
Anthony Maurice (2nd Class-111, 1st)
Lourdes Maurice (MC-111, 1st)
Mark Maurice (MC-111, 1st)
Al Mazloom (ASM-111, 1st)
Stefan Novak (Life-111, 1st)
Christina Rooney (Girl Scout Gold-2450/Venturer-574, 1st)
Frank Rooney (UC-111, 2nd)
Neil Stanga (Life-111, 2nd)
Chris Wolff (Graduated Eagle-111, 3rd)
Eric Wolff (Life-111, 1st)
Rick Wolff (ASM-111, 2nd)



Charles Brennan (Life-111, 1st time)
Baxter Carr (former MC-111, 1st)
Hugh Schratwieser (ASM-111, 1st)
Neil Stanga (Star-111, 1st)
Chris Wolff (Eagle-111, 2nd)




William Levendis (Tenderfoot-111, 1st time)
Frank Rooney (MC-111, 1st)
Michael Rooney (Star-111, 1st)
Chris Wolff (Life-111, 1st)
Rick Wolff (ASM-111, 1st)




The Inaugural (1996) Hike was conducted by Troops 106, 111, 149, and 647 as a preparatory event for their combined Philmont Crew. As originally envisioned, the event was planned to be a 50/20 on even years and a 25/10 on odd years; however, the 1998 hike was dropped to a 25/10 because heavy weather, including violent thunderstorms, was expected in the late afternoon and evening. The hike became an annual 50/20 in 2000.


Only a 25/10 Hike this year.


Only a 25/10 Hike this year.


Only a 25/10 Hike this year.


Robert Morris (Star-106, 1st time)
Rusty Philpott (Star-111, 1st)
Jack Robertson (ASM-647, many previous times in the 1960’s and 1970’s)

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