Troop 111 Campout Organizational Check-Off List
Life Practical/Event Planning Guide
The following represents the basic “to do” list for a typical weekend camping event. The schedule represents the ideal, and in reality is usually shorter. It is assumed that certain aspects of the activity – what we’re doing, where we’re doing it, permission and/or reservations, deposit fees, etc., have already been long accomplished (in many cases, a year in advance!) If not, then these aspects must be completed first!
3 Weeks Ahead of Time
_____ If not already done, start a Receipts File and Trip Expense Spreadsheet. Template here
_____ Local Tour Permit Completed, Signed, and Mailed to Council.
_____ Troop Permission Slips Generated, Photocopied, and Distributed to Scouts/Families. Template here
_____ Fresh Troop “Bare-Bones” Camping Lists Distributed to all First Year Scouts/Families
_____ Quick Review of Troop Medical Forms and Emergency Numbers Sheet – Are All New Scouts (and Adults) Included?
_____ If specialized gear is required for the activity (e.g., rifle, archery,caving, rock climbing and repelling,canoeing, biking, etc.), Quick Review of the Gear.
_____ Quick Check of Troop Cooking/Cleaning Equipment – Have All Items Distributed for Cleanup after the last event been Returned to the Troop?
_____ Complete repairs, if any, on needed Troop Gear damaged during the last event.
2 Weeks Ahead of Time
_____ Distribute Troop Campout Planning Guides (SPL/SM to the SPL, Patrol Leader’s and Menu/Duty Rosters to the Patrol Leaders). Initial Planning Completed; Forms Returned to the SPL/SM for Checks and Approvals.
_____ SM and SPL Make Initial Determinations on Transportation Requirements, Adult Support, Senior Scout Support, etc. If problems, Plan of Attack formulated.
_____ Initial Weekend Activity Hourly Schedule Planned Out.
_____ Check Status of Troop Supply Boxes (Troop Fuels, Coleman Lanterns, Paper, Condiments, Cleaning Supplies, Games); Prepare Restocking List; Assign Person to Acquire all Needed Items by Following Week.
_____ Check Status of Troop First Aid Kit(s). Prepare Restocking List; Assign Person to Acquire all Needed Items by Following Week.
1 Week Ahead of Time
_____ Confirm Reservations (as required).
_____ Confirm Return of Signed Tour Permit from Council.
_____ Confirm Activity Hourly Schedule.
_____ Collect Permission Slips/Money from Scouts.
_____ Restock Troop Supply Boxes.
_____ Restock Troop First Aid Kit(s).
_____ Reassemble Troop Cook and Utensil Kits, other ancillary cooking equipment.
_____ Complete Quartermaster’s Check-Off List; Leave in Scout Closet.
_____ Return Approved Troop Campout Planning Guides to the SPL and Patrol Leaders. Review Corrections, if Any, with the SPL to discuss with the Patrol Leaders.
_____ Confirm Scouts and Adults Attending. Review Transportation Situation; if problems, attempt to resolve at Troop Meeting.
_____ Confirm Food-Buying Scouts. Review Troop Food Shelves with Food Purchasers to Avoid Needless Purchases. Establish exactly when Food will be Bought and Delivered to the Scout Hall.
_____ Confirm Service Patrol Scouts. Establish exactly when Service Patrol will arrive at the Scout Hall. Attempt to have a second Adult Present, if possible.
_____ Confirm Troop Ice Jugs in the Troop Refrigerator.
Prior Week, Early
_____ Draft Up Directions Sheet and Xerox Adequate Copies for All Drivers. Establish Meal Points and In-Case-Of-Separation Re-Assembly Point(s).
_____ Determine Local Catholic Church(es); Get Directions and Confirm Mass Times.
_____ Determine Local Hospital(s); Get Directions.
_____ Confirm a Tele-tree Contact Parent; Give Emergency Contact Number(s) to Same.
_____ Buy Film and Spare Batteries for Troop Cameras.
Prior Week, Mid-Week
_____ Draft Up an Assembly Check-Off List (Scouts/Adults Present, Permission Slip(s) In, Money In).
_____ Check Long-Range Weather Forecast for Area of Activity; If any Potential Problems, have SPL Establish a Tele-tree to Advise Scouts (especially Newer Scouts).
Prior Week, Late
_____ Food Purchased and (if possible) Pre-Packed at Scout Hall.
_____ Troop Vans Outfitted (Gas, Oil, Air, Spare Tire Pressure, W/W Fluid, Brake Fluid, Radiator Fluid, Extra Oil, CB Radios, Trash Cans, Spare Trailer Wheel, Tool Kits, Spotlight, Jumper Cables, Spare Belts, Tire Chains (if necessary).
_____ Troop Trailer Outfitted (Air, Gate, Light Check, Bungee Cords, Properly Attached to Gray Van, License Plate).
_____ Assemble all Pertinent Troop Paper (Tour Permits, Other Permits or Reservation Forms, Troop Medical Forms, Troop Emergency Contact Numbers, All Directions, All Maps, Extra Blank Checks and Cash, Troop Roster, Troop Advancement Records, etc.)
_____ If required for the event, Assemble All Specialized Equipment from Bob’s House, Pack in one of the Troop Vans.
_____ Have SPL Call and Remind Patrol Leaders to Bring their Campout Planning Guides and Determine if there are any “Last-Minute” Problems.
_____ Confirmational Calls to Attending and Driving Adults, if and as needed.
_____ Open Scout Hall, Troop Closets
_____ Supervise Service Patrol in Packing Troop Gear (Using the Quartermaster’s Check-Off List), and all Food.
_____ Assign Greeter (Give Him/Her the Troop Check-Off List, plus Extra Permission Slips)
_____ Assign Packing Coordinators for Packing of Personal Gear in the Vehicles.
_____ Distribute Maps and Directions to All Drivers; if we’re using the Toll Road, distribute Cash to all drivers (and remind them to save receipts.)
_____ Review Directions out of Town and Planned Meal Stopping Point.
_____ Have SPL Assign Seats for Travel.
_____ Lock Down the Scout Hall.
After the Event
_____ Pack all gear away in the Scout Closet, Clean and Dry; Distribute Leftover Opened Food
_____ Assign Scouts to Clean Cookware (and if necessary, to dry tents and tarps)
_____ Assist Scoutmaster or Troop Accountant in Campout Accounts
_____ Assist Scoutmaster in Developing or Enhancing “How-To” Guide for Next Time