Cub and Webelos Scout in Pack 637, Earned Arrow of Light
Troop 111 Boy Scout Entry Class of 2002 (1st of that Class)
Eagle Project: Nick constructed and installed six new park benches at Wolf Trap, on the trail to the Children’s Theatre in the Woods. As part of the installation, he also constructed pads for installation of two of the benches in badly eroded areas along the trail. In addition, he repaired a broken bench on-site. Approximately 253 man-hours of work.
Thanks to the Board of Review members Clay Henderson, John Kelly, Isabel Mack, Ruth Netting, and Max Padon.
31 Merit Badges
102 Days Short-Term Camping (including 4 Ski Trips to Killington, VT)
101 Days Long-Term Camping, including 5 Summer Camps and 6 High Adventures
Summer Camp 2002, Camp Tuckahoe, PA
Summer Camp 2003, Camp Olmsted/Goshen Scout Reservation, VA
Summer Camp 2004, Camp Tuckahoe, PA
Summer Camp 2005, Camp Sinoquipe, PA
Summer Camp 2006, Camp Tuckahoe, PA
Florida Sea Base 2004
Philmont 2005
Bahamas SCUBA 2005
Honduras SCUBA 2006
Philmont 2007
Bonaire (Netherland Antilles) SCUBA 2007
BSA Awards:
Totin Chip, Paul Bunyan, Snorkelling, SCUBA, International Activity Award, World Conservation Award, JLT Certificate, Most Active Scouts, 2 50-Miler Awards, NCAC Orienteering Meet Award, Parol Leader for the 1st Place Patrol at the 2007 Projectoree, 50 Hour Community Service Award.
BSA Leadership Positions:
Troop Guide, Patrol Leader, Sea Base Crew Chief, Philmont Crew Chief