Tom passed his Eagle Board of Review on October 8, 2007, becoming Troop 111’s 114th Eagle Scout. His Honor Roll:
Pack 111 Cub and Webelos Scout, earned the Arrow of Light
Troop 111 Boy Scout Entry Class of 2001
Eagle Project:
Tom built and placed six very large planter boxes, each containing an emerald arborvitae shrub, to shield the view of the dumpster area at Upton Hill Regional Park in Arlington. Approximately 160 Man-Hours of work.
Thanks to the Board of Review members Dave Carlson, Pauline Clark, Clay Henderson, Max Padon, and Brian Preloh.
28 Merit Badges
68 Days Short-Term Camping
63 Days Long-Term Camping, including 4 Summer Camps and 2 High Adventure Treks (and part of a third!)
Summer Camp 2002, Camp Tuckahoe, PA
Summer Camp 2003, Camp Olmsted (Goshen), VA
Summer Camp 2004, Camp Tuckahoe, PA
Summer Camp 2005, Camp Tuckahoe, PA
Florida Sea Base 2004
Triathlon Trek 2006 (dropped out on Day 2 due to serious injury)
Philmont 2007 (Trek 27)
BSA Awards:
Totin Chip, 2 Snorkelling, Polar Bear Swimmer, Junior level and Senior level JLT Certificates, Tuckahoe Ironman, 1 50-Miler Award, Orienteering Awards: Baltimore, 4th Place Senior; National Capital, 1st Place Senior, Scoutmaster’s Award for Most Active Scouts.
BSA Leadership Positions:
Troop Guide, Assistant Patrol Leader, Patrol Leader, Senior Patrol Leader, Philmont Crew Chief