[what cub/web pack? Cub and Webelos Scout in Pack xxx, did he earn: Earned Arrow of Light]
Troop 111 Boy Scout Entry Class of [?2010 or 11?]. Earned Arrow of Light
Eagle Project: Henry created or widened a trail between Donaldson Run Swimming Pool and Potomac Overlook Park in Arlington. [description of how he did this.] Approximately XXX man-hours of work.
Thanks to the Board of Review members [name, name, name, and name].
40 Merit Badges
XX Days Short-Term Camping
XX Days Long-Term Camping, including xx Summer Camps and xx High Adventures
Summer Camp 2010, Camp Ockinickon, State
Summer Camp 2011, Camp Sinoquipe, PA
Summer Camp 2012, Camp Hiwassee, VA
Summer Camp 2013, Camp Hiwassee, VA
Summer Camp 2014, Camp [?, State]
Summer Camp 2015, Camp Sinoquipe, PA
Florida Sea Base, [did he attend?]
Philmont, 2014
Northern Tier 2015
BSA Awards:
Arrow of Light, Totin Chip, Polar Bear Swim, 2 Polar Bear Camping, 50-Miler Award, Ad Altare Dei, and World Conservation Award.
BSA Leadership Positions:
Troop Guide and Patrol Leader.