Troop 111 is a large and very active Boy Scout Troop. As you can imagine, there are many adults involved to insure a safe and fun Scouting environment for everyone involved. We are ALWAYS looking for parents to get involved and understand that with a Troop this size, it can be somewhat daunting to take the first step. Have no fear! We were all new when we started also! Keep an eye out for the “Parents Table” at each Monday night Scout meeting and ask how you can help.
The following is a brief overview of the opportunities all Scout parents and adults have in joining in on Scouting fun:
Merit Badge Counselors – teach something you love! There are 120 Merit Badges to choose from.
Activity Chaperones – Join the Scouts on a weekend trip.
Troop Committee – We meet once a month to discuss finances, activity calendars, fund raising, etc. The meeting is open to all and there are always positions available to any parent who wants to help out.